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Trick How Do I Mine More PI Coin Faster

Rare Bitcoin: In addition to mining everyday, you can boost your individual mining rate by doing one or more of the activities below. Keep in mind that the mining stops along with all types of mining rewards when a mining session is no longer active (that is, after the end of a 24-hour mining session and before you start another mining session on the app). Therefore, it’s best to set an app notification to remind you when it is time to start a new mining session.

1.Completing your Security Circle to maximize Security Circle rewards. Pi’s consensus algorithm relies on a global trust graph, which is aggregated from the millions of intertwining Security Circles of individual Pioneers. Thus, a Pioneer is given an additional mining boost for each new valid Security Circle connection, up to 5 such connections. Each Security Circle member who remains active adds a boost of 20% of the base rate (up to a maximum of 100%). 

2.Inviting your friends to mine Pi to increase Referral Team rewards. Inviting more people to join your Referral Team by sending them your invitation code (your Pi username) and mining concurrently as they mine increases your mining rate rewards. Each member who is concurrently active adds a bonus of 25% of the base rate to your hourly mining rewards. There is no limit to the number of members you can add to your Referral Team. This Referral Team rewards recognize Pioneers’ contribution to the growth of the network and the wide distribution of Pi.

3.Reminding your existing Referral Team to mine, so that you can maximize the concurrency of your mining together that boosts your mining rate.  

4.Setting and commiting to a lockup configuration or increasing your current lockup commitment. This helps stabilize the Pi ecosystem with long term engagement.

5.Using apps on the Pi Browser directory to increase App Usage rewards. This helps the network create utilities and build the ecosystem. 

6.Running a Node to increase Node Rewards. The Node Bonus rewards are open to any Pioneer with a computer connected to the internet, and are computed based on the reliability and accessibility of the Node you are running. Node rewards also apply to running nodes on the Testnet. Community nodes can run on the Mainnet during the Open Mainnet period (more information on the whitepaper draft linked above) trying do best and keep mining consistent ( Secure )

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